"The Strength Within You" Premiere Event NY
"The Strength Within You" Premiere Event NY
Brooklyn, NY
A night of fun with friends who share the passion hosted by famous CODA Comedian Keith Wann! Games, door prizes and the screening of "The Strength Within You" first 5 short-films: - Domestic Violence ( Starring: Maleni Chaitoo and Keith Wann - Directed by Katia Belas) - A Suicidal Matter (Starri…
Saturday, March 25 2017
7:00 PM
10:00 PM
2nd TSWY International Film Festival
2nd TSWY International Film Festival
Valencia, CA
2nd year showcasing films made by the collaboration of Deaf and hearing filmmakers. 2-3pm - A conversation with the Filmmakers (Informal talk with the filmmakers presenting their film during the festival. Hosted by festival director, Katia Belas) 3:30 - 5pm - Showcase 1 - Oh, Sugar! - Eye of th…
Saturday, November 3 2018
2:00 PM
10:00 PM
"The Strength Within You" Premiere Event
"The Strength Within You" Premiere Event
Los Angeles, CA
An afternoon of fun with friends who share the passion hosted by acclaimed Deaf comedian CJ Jones! Games, door prizes, red carpet and the screening of "The Strength Within You" first 5 short-films: - Domestic Violence ( Starring: Maleni Chaitoo and Keith Wann - Directed by Katia Belas) - A Suici…
Saturday, March 25 2017
4:00 PM
7:00 PM